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My Metaphor - A book

Throughout our lives we read and hear many different kinds of stories. In my experience, these stories have turned out to change my life and to shape the way I view the world.It has always been truly amazing to me the way two people can read the same story yet walk away with different outcomes. I see my teaching style to be modeled after a book. You have the cover, the pages, and the words that all work together to make sure the reader walks away with a new thought to consider.

Cover - The cover is representative of the doctrine of teaching. The cover is what we hold on to while we feast upon the story. Without a cover the pages would fall apart and everything could get out of order. The cover and binding are necessary in order to keep the story understandable and to help it stick with us.

Words - The words represent the tools we use while we are teaching. The tools are not something that stay constant throughout our teaching career. The tools we use must be versatile and flexible as we teach different concepts or learn new techniques. The words in a story are what takes us on the journey and used to direct us to a conclusion. 

Pages - The pages represent the principles in teaching. Principles, like pages, stem directly from the doctrines. Pages are what holds the words on them so as to give them a place where they fit. Without pages and principles, the words and tools would have nothing to stand on. They are needed to help give our book some support and direction.

Like a book, I hope to be able to change the lives of the students I reach. I hope that through my doctrines, principles, and tools I will be able to direct them to conclusions hat will help their mind grow and their ideology to expand. I hope to be something they store on their shelf in their mind and refer back to with fond memories and appreciation for what I was able to leave them with.

For myself I think I have the doctrine down. I know that I want to teach to be able to see that light in a students eyes when they understand a new concept of have a moment of realization when reading a book. I definitely still need to work on my principles and tools. I am thrilled at the prospect of teaching yet completely terrified that I wont know what to do and how to keep them engaged. I know that I build on the principles and as importantly the tools I will become more confident in my abilities to show my students the amazing things we can learn from literature.

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